This website provides information about the servers and activities of:
C/ Betlem 31, Bajos
CIF B-60319886

The contents of this website, including, among others, images, logotypes, graphics, animation, texts or computer applications, regardless of their format, programming language and form of representation, as well as the domain name, are property of the holder, or they have acquired the corresponding rights from the holder, or have their consent for the publication, and are protected by the international laws and treaties in the area of intellectual property and, at the most, industrial, as well as the regulatory regulations on domain names.

It is permissible the use of links to this website and the non-profit total or partial utilisation and reproduction of its content, provided that the source is made known and a link to this website is included, and in the cases permitted in the articles 31 to 34 of the Intellectual Property Law (Royal Legislative Decree 1/1996, of 12 April). It is prohibited to use frames or any other mechanism aimed at concealing the origin or source of the contents, or the use, manipulation or exploitation of said contents for commercial or promotional ends, which go against the law, morality or public order, and may damage the holder’s or legitimate third parties’ interests or image, constituting unfair competition or, in general, going against the provisions in this Conditions of Use.

By browsing this website, you automatically facilitate the web server information related to your IP address (unique identifier for the transmission of packets among computers connected to Internet), date and time of accessing, the link which directed you to this website, your operating system and browser used. Without prejudice that the Spanish Agency of Data Protection (hereon, APD) considers the ID to be a personal datum, the holder cannot access, nor do they intend to do so unless any harm is caused, information about the owner of the internet connection. These data will be saved and used only for the control and realisation of site traffic statistics, and under no circumstances will they be communicated or transferred to third parties.

This website does not use cookies nor another analogous device to obtain personal data without your consent.

In the event that you establish any kind of communication with the holder, either by phone, mail or email, your data will not be stored or included in any file and will only be used to respond to you.

The contents of this website are offered with informative purposes; therefore, the holder is exempted from any direct or indirect responsibility which may derive from the misuse or incorrect application of this website’s information.

Links or content of third parties which appear on this website are provided to increase the knowledge or show other viewpoints. Their inclusion does not imply the acceptance of the contents by the holder nor an affiliation of the holder to those in charge of the aforementioned websites; thus, the holder rejects all responsibility in relation to them, as well as any damage caused on any grounds by their operating system (equipment and applications), documents and files. The holder will only take responsibility for those contents as stipulated by the Law 34/2002, of July 11, of the Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, in case that, having taken effective cognizance of their non-compliance with the law or that they may damage the assets or interests of a third party, does not delete or disable the links.

The holder does not guarantee the reliability, availability or continuity of this website nor its contents for technical, security, control or service maintenance reasons, for glitches due to the server which hosts the contents of intermediaries or suppliers, for cyber attacks against the system, nor for whatever reasons which may derive from reasons beyond their control; therefore, they are exempt of any direct or indirect responsibility.

The holder does not take responsibility for the direct or indirect glitches, errors or damages which may be caused to the user’s system or their files and documents, or which may be caused or derived from the capacity or quality of your system or the presence of a virus or any other detrimental computer applications in the computer used to access the contents of the website, or from the quality of your internet connection, or from a malfunction in your browser, or from the use of computer applications with non-updated versions or without the corresponding user license.

The holder reserves their right to effect, at any time and without prior notice, modifications and updates of the information contained in this website, or its configuration, availability and presentation, as well as of these present Conditions of Use.

Questions related to the use of this website or its content will be governed and interpreted according to the present Conditions of Use and Spanish regulation, the parties being subject, with the exception of cases in which it is not permitted, to the jurisdiction and courts of the city of Barcelona (Spain) for the resolution of conflicts of this website’s utilisation, and expressly waive any other jurisdiction to which they may be entitled.

Barcelona, January 1st, 2017.

Information provided in compliance with the provisions of the article 10 of the Law 34/2002, of July 11, of the Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce.

This text is adapted by the holder from a generic legal notice by a solicitor specialist in information technology.